Parent Self Recommendation
Parents need to download and fill it out. Ideally we would like the form submitted before you meet with the Outplacement Committee in April or May but we understand that may not be possible. To download the file please click on Parent Self Recommendation above to open the Word Document. Once the form is filled out please send it to us at our secondary school email or bring it with you to your meeting.
Student Self Recommendation
Students need to fill out this form by September 6, 2024. Students will begin working on the form in May with Ms. Soulios. The form can be found in their Schoology account under Courses > Secondary School Transition.
Secondary School Speakers 2024-25
List of Admission Directors and the date they will be visiting St. Matthew's Parish School to speak to the students during advisory or Serve Lead Flourish Class. This is only for students, parents do not need to attend.
ISEE Prep & Review Companies
This is a list of companies that offer ISEE prep. We do not make any endorsement or recommendation of one particular tutor or prep class over another. St. Matthew's School Code: 054075
Every school has a different process of accessing these forms. They are typically available once you have submitted your application to the school or during the application process. Please enter the email address for your child's current teacher (math/english). For the administrative recommendation, please send those to [email protected]. The Transcript release link need to be sent to Ms. Martinez at [email protected]
Transcript Request FormAdministrative Recommendation |
English Teacher RecommendationMath Teacher Recommendation |